
Tengo alphabet

The Tengo alphabet was invented by Bob Weiland during the month of October,
2009. It started out as as “Tenctonese”, the alphabet featured in the old TV
series, “Alien Nation”. The script went through several iterations until it
arrived at a script quite different from the original.

Tengo iterations are demonstrated in this pangram: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Original Tenctonese

Original Tenctonese

It seemed too contrived to construct the 2nd half of the alphabet as the
mirror image of the 1st half of the alphabet. Rearranging the letters generally
by sound groupings resulted in:

Tenctonese derivation 2

Tenctonese derivation 2

There seemed to be too many lines above and below the letters. Placing the
lines into the letters themselves resulted in:

Tenctonese derivation 3

Tenctonese derivation 3

This seemed quite nice. But the some of the letters were drawn out too much.
Shortening some of the letters, and altering others, resulted in the following.
This script is different enough from the original to warrant a new name.

Tengo 1

Tengo  1

The ascending and descending tails going in different angles causes this alphabet
to lack the symmetry of the Tenctonese derivation 3. Synchronizing the tails in
one direction adds back some strokes into the letters, but it looks more aesthetically
pleasing. So the following is the final version.

Tengo 2

Tengo 2

The font font was also entirely redrawn.

Notable features of Tengo

  • Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines
  • Used to write: English
  • Each letter is based on this form: (letter e).
  • Can be written cursively
  • Simple and easy to learn

Tengo alphabet

Tengo alphabet

Tengo sample text

Tengo sample text


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a
spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura