
Shor (Шор тили)

Shor is a Turkic language spoken by about 10,000 people in the
Kemerovo Province of south-central Siberia. It has two main dialects:
Mrasu and Kondoma, which are more or less mutually intelligible.
Shor contains many loanwords from Mongolian and Russian.

Shor was first written with a version of the Latin alphabet
devised in 1926. Various books were published in the language and
it was taught in schools. In 1938 a version of the Cyrillic alphabet
was adopted to write Shor, and after that the language went into
to decline as a result of the Soviet policy of assimulation of
minorities. Since the 1990s, however, there has been something of
revival in the language and Shor is now taught at the Novokuznetsk
branch of the Kemerovo State University, and a number of people
are writing poetry and other works in Shor.

Shor alphabet

Shor alphabet

Sample text

Парчын кижи, по чарыққа туғчадып, тең, пош туғча. Кижилер сағыштығ, ақтығ туғчалар, кижилерге пашқа кижилербе арғыштаныштарға керек.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Sample text (Qara-Qan)

Амдыг(ы) тöлдиң алында полча,
Пурун(гу) тöлдиң соонда полча.
Чер пÿдерде,
Чер-суг кабыжарда полча.
Калакпа чер пöлÿшкан темнер полтур,
Камышпа суг пöлÿшчиткан темнер полтур.
Кöгериш келип кöк öлең öс чаттыр,
Алтын пÿрлÿ ак казынның паштарында
Кырык кушка какыш чöрча,
Кöк öлең паштарында
Кöк торчуктар кöглеп чиган полтур.
Часкы тем полтур.


Earlier, than the present generation it was,
Later, than the past generation it was.
When the land was created,
When the land and the water were struggling, it was.
In those times when the land was divided with a stirrer,
In those times when the water was divided by cane.
Turning green, young grass grew, as it turns out.
At the top of a white birch with golden leaves
Forty birds are twitting,
On the green grass
Young nightingales were singing, as it turns out.
It was spring time, as it turns out.

Part of the Shor epic story Qara-Qan


Information about the Shor language and people

Online Shor dictionary

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura