Puzzle Code

Puzzle Code   
Puzzle Code

The Puzzle Code was invented by Josh Ragsdell in November of 2006.
The original inspiration for this alphabet was another writing system
on Omniglot, Betamaze, which gave Josh the
idea to create a system where the letters fit together – a puzzle.

Notable features

  • Used to write: English
  • Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines.
  • Each letter is made to look like a puzzle piece.
  • A letter is determined only by the bumps or openings on the
    right and bottom sides of each puzzle piece.
  • There are no spaces between letters or rows.
  • The right side of a letter determines the left side of the
    following letter and the bottom side determines the top side of
    the letter below it.
  • If the right side of a letter has a bump the adjacent letter
    will have an opening for the bump to fit in, like a puzzle. The
    same is true for the bottom side. If a space or nothing is above
    or to the left of a letter the top and/or left sides will stay flat.
    An example is shown below.
  • Numbers work the same way except their bumps and openings are squares.
  • There is no difference between lower case and upper case letters.

An illustration of how Puzzle code works

An illustration of how Puzzle code works

Puzzle Code

Puzzle Code

Sample text in Puzzle Code

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura