Lingua Franca Nova

Lingua Franca Nova is an International Auxiliary Language based on French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan. It is the creation of Dr. C. George Boeree, a professor of Psychology at Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania, and was designed to be particularly simple, consistent and easy to learn.

Notable features

  • It has a limited number of phonemes.
  • It is phonetically spelled.
  • It has a completely regular grammar.
  • It has a small and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
  • It has well-defined rules for word order.
  • It has a vocabulary based on the modern Romance languages.
  • It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms.
  • It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages,
    without being any more difficult for others to learn.

Lingua Franca Nova alphabet & pronunciation

Lingua Franca Nova can be written either with the Latin alphabet or with the Cyrillic alphabet.

Lingua Franca Nova pronunciation

Source: http://lingua-franca-nova.net

A recording of the Lingua Franca Nova alphabet by Jan Jurčík

Sample text in the Latin alphabet

Tota umanes nase libre e egal en dinia e diretos. Los es donada razona e consiensa e debe
ata la un a la otra en un spirito de fratia.

Sample text in the Cyrillic alphabet

Тота уманес насе
либре е егал ен диниа
е диретос. Лос ес
донада разона е
консиенса е дебе
ата ла ун а ла отра
ен ун спирито де

A recording of this text by Jan Jurčík


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura