
Lebanese Arabic (el libnénïet)

Lebanese Arabic or Lebanese is a dialect of Levantine Arabic, though
some people consider it a language in its own right. It is spoken mainly
in Lebanon by about 4 million people, and includes some vocabulary comes
from Aramaic, Greek, French, and Turkish.

Lebanese is rarely written, except in some novels and poetry. When it
is written, the Arabic alphabet is usually used, though in informal
situations, such as online chat, the Latin alphabet is sometimes used.

Pronunciation of Lebanese Arabic


Pronunciation of Lebanese Arabic consonants


Pronunciation of Lebanese Arabic vowels

Here is a method of writing Lebanese Arabic using the Latin alphabet
devised by Elias Chakkour, a Lebanese living in Canada.

Lebanese alphabet (El abjadïet el libnénïet)

Lebanese alphabet and pronunciation


  • C + a u or w = [k]
  • C + e i y = [ʧ]
  • G + a u o w = [g]
  • G + e i or = [ʒ]
  • Ğ is used when words are put in plural or feminine form
  • J = [y] at the end of words
  • Y = [i] at the end of words

Sample text in Lebanese

Kill el ba¡ar byechlaqò aħrár w mütasévyín
bil carámet w’el ħoqúq. W hinné nwahabò xaqel w
đamír, w xleyun y’xémlò baxdon el baxed b’rúħ
el ochuẅet.
(el baned el aẅal min’el exlén el xálamé la
ħoqúq el insén)


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Information about Lebanese Arabic pronunciation compiled by Wolfgang Siegel


Arabic Translation
Arabic Translation
Our Price:$10.00

Information about Lebanese

Online Lebanese lesssons

Lebanese Arabic phrasebook

Arabic Genie – a quick and easy way to learn the Arabic alphabet

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:4 minuti di lettura