
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

Yakut (саха тыла) Yakut or Sakha is a Turkic language with about 363,000 speakers in the Russian Federation, mainly in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and also in the Amur,…

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  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura

Yapese Yapese is a member of the Malayo-Polynesian sub-group of Austronesian languages. It is spoken by about 6,600 people in the State of Yap, part of the Federated States of…

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  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

yapusazh    yapusazh is the alphabetic representation of the Sinnish language (lidosazh in its own tongue). yapusazh and Sinnish were invented by Scott 'Blade' Hamilton for use in a series…

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Yaqui (Yoem Noki) Yaqui or Yoeme is an Uto-Aztecan language with about 16,000 speakers in Sonora and Sinaloa in Mexico, and in Tucson and Guadalupe in Arizona in the USA.…

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  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura

Yerukula Yerukula is a Dravidian language spoken by about 70,000 people in parts of Andhra Pradesh in India. The language is also known as Kurru basha or Kulavatha and is…

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