
Klhetháyol   Klhetháyol

The Klhetháyol Abugida is a writing system invented by Anthony
Girón. The main purpose for it’s creation is to develop a constructed
language for the fantasy novel he’s currently writing, but it can also
be used for encoding purposes such as in diaries.

Notable features

  • Type of writing system: abugida
  • Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines when writing casually; right to left in horizontal lines when writing formally or in official documentation.
  • Used to write: Klhetháyol
  • Contrary to the Latin/Roman Alphabet, spaces are only used to separate sentences, not words. WordsAreDifferentiatedBecauseTheyAlwaysStartWithAnUppercaseLetter
  • When romanizing the writing system, a word with two or more syllables must always be marked with a tilde (á, é, í, ó, ú) to indicate where the stress is. Stresses in the abugida, however, aren’t marked.

Klhetháyol abugida

Klhetháyol Alphabet


The “ps and t”, “ps and r”, “ps and y”, and “ps and l” digraphs are pronounced and transliterated as pt, pr, py and pl, respectively.


  • Terminology: The tall version of a letter is called the uppercase letter and the small version the lowercase. The mark that is occasionally found on top of a lowercase letter is called a vowel-modifier. Vowel-modifiers tell you that the consonant it marks is followed by a vowel.
  • Every word must start with an uppercase letter regardless of wether it’s a vowel or consonant.
  • Vowel-modifiers can only be added if the letter you wish to modify is a lowercase consonant. Uppercase characters and vowels cannot have one, so a lowercase vowel is used to represent the vowel instead.
  • If a vowel-modifier can be used instead of a lowercase vowel the modifier must be used, otherwise it is considered misspelled.

Sample text in the Klhetháyol Abugida

Sample text in the Klhetháyol Alphabet


Ul hyúmen bíyinghs ar born fri end íkuel in díghnedi end raits. Dhei ar endáud with ríson end kónshons end shud ekt thowórds wan anádher in a sbírot of bródherhud.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura