
Jeernervaniaan alphabet (Jeh Obák)

This alphabet was created by Simon Halfdan Hvilshøj Garnero for use in his
sci-fi novels. Simon based this alphabet on the Greek and Latin alphabets
and originally used it to write French phonetically. Later he constructed a
language, Nobuzyanese, to go with it.

The alphabet is used to write most of the conlangs Simon create for use in
his sci-fi novels: for example the Qelisan language, Felayir Qelisayér, and
Nobuzyanese. Although the plotlines are located on several planets among
several alien civilizations and cultures, most of the action takes place on
Jeernervaniaa, a planet inhabited by humans.

Internal history

The Jeernervaniaans are humans abducted from Earth about twenty thousand
years ago. On their planet, on the other side of the Galaxy, they created
civilizations like on Earth. Today Jeernervaniaa (pronounced
/dZe”nErvanja:/) is mostly like Earth, but with a much more advanced

Nobuzyanese is one of the most wide spread languages on
Jeernervaniaa and its many colonies. It descends from a long line of now
dead languages among which Lâs le Minûstâryú, Old
Lekinese and Gobarrassu can be found. The JSEA was created in the year 18,042
by Heolnor Ta Valnerinnurhalla by request of the Aârish Federal Academy.

Jeernervaniaan Standard Alphabet

Notable features

  • Type of writing system: alphabet
  • Direction of writing: horizontally from the left to the right.
  • Uses punctuation in a grammatical way. Commas, for example, indicate
    a new clause within a sentence. Semicolons lead relative subclauses.
  • Is usually pronounced and read as it is written, although Nobuzyanese
    uses some variation.

Jeernervaniaan Standard Alphabet (Jeernervaniaan Hobenisa Obák)

These represent the thirty-eight letters composing the “JSA’, the Standard
Alphabet. They were design to represent sounds found in almost every
Jeernervaniaan language. Other letters with diacritics and non-standard
forms were developed to accommodate less common sounds. These extra-numerous
letters form the Extended Alphabet.

Note that Hamma Altar is used in titles.

Additional letters

Additional JSEA letters

Jeernervaniaan numerals

Jeernervaniaan numerals

* Sib and Alf are used in transcription of elder Nobuzyanese dialects where
duodecimal (base-12) counting was widespread. Tolenn is used to write 10
when standalone, or 12 in base-12.

** Talaasan Crima is the decimal separator used.

Nan is an alternate form of Nol and is used when writing mostly numbers.

Jeernervaniaan punctuation

Jeernervaniaan punctuation

Sample text in Nobuzyanese

Sample text in Nobuzyanese


Äll Yumán naqirunt frälsise ät samsasise ikin
Hobinaâr ät Rätneên. Yýn haboe Lahära ät
Ŝimrus ät ikin ben ät gio hánkent.
Yun e “Ällisa Yamaanise Rätnaâran Tiinsribnaki”.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

More information about Nobuzyanese

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:4 minuti di lettura