
Alphabetum Directum (Vertical Alphabet)   
Alphabetum Directum (Vertical Alphabet)

Alphabetum Directum or the Vertical Alphabet was created by
Samuel Barnes during a boring world geography class. Samuel
modelled his alphabet on the Vine alphabet,
though made some major changes to the structure of his alphabet.

Samuel uses his alphabet to write random notes and comments
during class, and for doodles.

Notable features

  • Written from left to right in vertical columns
  • Punctuation is used to indicate word division
  • Can be used to write Latin and English

Alphabetum Directum (Vertical Alphabet) and a sample text

Transliteration and translation of sample text

Agricola puellam amat, sed eum non amat.
The farmer loves the girl, but she does not love him.

Other writing systems invented by visitors to this site

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:1 minuti di lettura