
CHIS (Charted Heterogenous Inscription System)

The CHIS was developed by Ersten Prima from Indonesia. Unlike most of alternative
writing system that replace symbols with other symbols, CHIS was designed to be
a simple writing system that can handle many languages. While it is a bit more complex
than an alphabet, it is easier than other non alphabetical writing systems.

The CHIS was originally created as an official writing system for the Ascendrian
philosophy for control panel buttons and other markings such as in vehicles and
on badges.

One of the most recognizable CHIS characters is the GAIA:

CHIS GAIA symbol

Notable features

  • CHIS consists of 21 consonants (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V,
    W, X, Y, Z) and 6 vowels (A, O, U, I, E, É).
  • There are two differnt versions of the CHIS: Kotak (block style) and Kressent (round style).
  • Kotak is used for standard writing, while Kressent is used for emphasizing names or objects.

CHIS – Kotak (K1)

CHIS Kotak (K1)

CHIS – Kressent (K2)

CHIS Kressent (K2)


CHIS characters are pronounced like German letters:

CHIS pronunciation

The CHIS represents the sounds of names, rather than their written form in the Latin alphabet. For example:

CHIS names

However you can also write names according to their normal spelling:

CHIS names

The letters of the CHIS can be written individually (like an alphabet) or in compressed mode
in which a consonant and a vowel can form a syllable like in Japanese.

For example, Nagoya can be written:

Nagoya in the CHIS

However there are certain rules – in compression mode consonants must appear before vowels,
and one character slot can have a maximum of three self repeating consonants (eg: FFF, GGG, JJJ),
plus a maximum of three vowels that can be a combination (eg: AAA, AOI, AAU). Therefore a
fully compressed character will have 6 letters in one slot (eg: FFFAAA, GGGAOI, JJJAUU).

Examples of CHIS compression mode

Sample text (Klaatu)

Sample text in CHIS

Sample Text (in English without adjustment)

Sample text in CHIS


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


CHIS presentation on YouTube

Continents of the world written in CHIS

CHIS for writing some famous alien names and quotes

Information about the Ascendrian philosophy

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:4 minuti di lettura