
Deini Script

The Deini Script was invented by Dana Nutter to write a conlang also
called Deini. The Deini language is based on Germanic languages (mainly
English and German), Slavic languages (mainly Russian), popular Romance
languages, Newspeak, Nadsat, Sasxsek, Classical Latin, Classical Greek,
and with small influences from other world languages.

Notable features

  • Deini is written horizontally from left to right.
  • The Deini equivalents of question and exclamation marks appear
    at the beginning of questions and exclamations.
  • Special symbols appear before times, dates, place names,
    and a number of other expressions.

Deini Script

Deini Script

Samples of Deini

Sample text in Deini


1) Where is my room?
2) Where is the beach?
3) Where is the bar?
4) Don’t touch me there!

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:1 minuti di lettura