
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

h1>Ryakumoji   Ryakumoji (略文字), from Japanese 略 (ryaku), abbreviation, and 文字 (moji), characters/letters, is a system of writing the kana syllabic scripts of Japanese with fewer characters to r emember.…

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  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

Ryszalean     The Ryszalean alphabet was created by Aryssa and Zalea Ebbeler in 2011, with the help of their dad, Sheldon. The names of the two girls combine to…

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  • Tempo di lettura:5 minuti di lettura

Sámi languages The Sámi languages are Uralic languages with about 24,500 speakers in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. The area traditionally inhabited by the Sámi people is known as Sápmi…

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  • Tempo di lettura:4 minuti di lettura

Renglish/Ренглиш Renglish is an alternative method of writing English using the Cyrillic or Latin alphabets invented by Slacknet Communications, who spent a few months testing and perfecting the Cyrillic version…

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  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura

Pana    The Pana alphabet was invented by Zhao Ze (Kenet Jervet), a junior software engineer from China in August, 2011. It was initially used as the standard alphabet for…

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