
  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

Glauxian The Glauxian alphabet was invented by Sean Skyhawk for use in a story he has been working for quite a few years. The story place on a planet called…

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  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

Glagolitic alphabet Origin The Glagolitic alphabet was invented during the 9th century by the missionaries St Cyril (827-869 AD) and St Methodius (826-885 AD) in order to translate the Bible…

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  • Tempo di lettura:4 minuti di lettura

Géyīnzì   Géyīnzì was invented by Simon Ager (the author of this site) in 1998 as an alternative way to write Mandarin Chinese. Since then it has gone through many revisions…

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  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura

Gernreich    Gernreich is an alternative alphabet for English invented by Michael Carnright when he was 14. The letters are like building blocks which are connected together to make words,…

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  • Tempo di lettura:5 minuti di lettura

German (Deutsch) German is a Germanic language with about 121 million speakers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Belgium, Italy, France, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Slovakia,…

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