
  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura

Arabela (Tapweyokwaka) Arabela is a member of the Zaparoan language family and is spoken by about 50 people in two villages along the Napo tributary of the Arabela river in…

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  • Tempo di lettura:3 minuti di lettura

Aqami The Aqami script (aqami'meq in Aqami) was created by Neonlights in 2011. It was influenced by the Mayan script and various other block scripts,and is used to write an…

Continua a leggereAqami


  • Tempo di lettura:4 minuti di lettura

Applebeech Michael McIntyre (dmmcintyr[at]users[dot]sourceforge[dot]net) created the Applebeech in the spring of 2005 in order to serve as a fully functional runic writing system for the modern English language. It is…

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