Mauritian Creole

Mauritian Creole (Kreol Morisien)

Mauritian Creole is a French-based creole language spoken by about
1.2 million people in Mauritius, where it is used as the lingua franca.
Creole tends to be spoken in homes and informal situations, while French
is used in work places, and French and English are used in schools and
formal situations.

As well as words of French origin, it also contains some vocabularly
from English and various African and Asian languages spoken on Mauritius.

Mauritian Creole alphabet and pronunciation

Mauritian Creole alphabet

Information on Mauritian Creole pronunciation compiled by Wolfram Siegel

Language learning
materials for Mauritian Creole and other Creoles


Information about Mauritian Creole

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read