
Raitolïihaste alphabet

Raitolïihaste is a fully vocalized abjad invented by Aidan Aannestad
to write his conlang, Raitoliste. Raitolïihaste is written vertically
and each consonant has four different shapes depending on where it appears
in a word.

Notable features

  • Direction of writing: left to right in vertical columns.
  • Used to write: Raitoliste.
  • Vowels come to the right of the consonant preceding them.
  • Diphthongs are written with a pair of vowels, the vowel which
    takes mora has a dot over it.

Raitolïihaste alphabet

Raitolïihaste alphabet

Sample text in the Raitolïihaste alphabet

Sample text in the Raitolïihaste alphabet


Raity vadø isadw ii üusy à üasaty ezate
mi à üusakø mi. Ve à ehahavø
ëisazw ø à vëǿ zu raile so ve mi


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a
spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read