
Porturillic (Портурыличо)

Porturillic or Porturílico was invented by Daniel M. Sardinha as a
way of writing Portuguese with the Cyrillic alphabet. Daniel has been
studying alphabet and languages since he was a teenager and the first
alphabet he learnt was Cyrillic. He decided to try to adapt Cyrillic
to the phonemes of Portuguese and Porturillic this is the result.

Porturillic alphabet

Porturillic alphabet

Sample text

Тодос ос серес хуманос насчем ливрес е игуаис ем дигнидаде е ем диреитос.
Дотадос де разъо е де чонсчиьенчиа, девем агир унс пара чом ос оутрос ем еспырито де фратернидаде.

This text in the Latin alphabet

Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos.
Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para
com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:1 mins read