
Pékrif alphabet   

The Pékrif alphabet was invented in 2001 by Zack Hart.
It was initially created on a whim by designing letters based on a dictionary
pronunciation guide, but it later became associated with the growing con-society
of Ánhrush and its associated language of Gomain, which the Pékrif
is used to write and in which the script’s name means “collection of letters”.

Notable features

  • The two forms shown for all but three letters are the independent form, on
    top, and and medial form, on the bottom.
  • Each of these letters are composed of the medial form, which serves as a
    core element, and an initial and final element on either side, which are often
    (but not always) symmetrical respective to each other.
  • The alphabet is written in a similar fashion to Arabic, although
    left-to-right: the letters change their form depending on where in a word
    they occur.

Pékrif alphabet

Pékrif alphabet

Pékrif numerals and mathematical symbols

Pékrif numerals and mathematical symbols

Pékrif punctuation

Pékrif punctuation

Pékrif sample text

Sample text in Pékrif


Bákshop shedhweingá khechóyeizhú
ótókrá ís óchévesh bék
úwoipérvoshém ís úyourvökúhá.
Khekáj ódárûde ís óshedhoutké
ís khegadódhók bákai úbákai
édárég ám dházhzhém.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:3 mins read