
Ndebele (isiNdebele / Nrebele / Sindebele)

There are two languages called Ndebele: Southern Ndebele and Northern Ndebele. Both are
part of the Nguni group of Bantu languages, but they are not very closely related.

South Ndebele (isiNdebele) is spoken by about 590,000 people in South Africa, where it
is one of the official languages. There are two dialects: Northern Transvaal Ndebele
(Nrebele) and the Southern Transvaal Ndebele.

Northern Ndebele (Sindebele) is spoken in Zimbabwe and Botswana by about 1.5 million
people. It is closely related to Zulu and mutually intelligible with it to some extent.

Southern Ndebele pronunciation

Southern Ndebele pronunciation

Information on Ndebele pronunciation compiled by Wolfram Siegel

Sample text in Southern Ndebele

Abantu bonke bazalwa bekhululekile njalo belingana kumalungelo abo.
Balesipho sikanembeza, ngakho bamele baphathane ngomoya otshengisa
ubuhlobo lobunye.


Information about Ndebele languages


Northern Ndebele dictionary

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read