
Kildin Sámi (Кӣллт са̄мь кӣлл)

Kildin Sámi is an Eastern Sámi language spoken on the Kola peninsula
of Russia by about 600 people. While the largest concentration of speakers
is around Lovozero (Луяввьр),
there are speakers of Kildin Sámi throughout the Kola peninsula. Although
Kildin Sámi is the largest of the Eastern Sámi languages in
terms of number of speakers, only about 100 people use it as an everyday

Kildin Sámi has four dialects: the Kīllt dialect, the Koarrdegk dialect,
the Lujavvʼr dialect and the Arsjogk dialect. It
has absorbed quite a lot of vocabulary from Russian, and also from Norwegian,
Karelian and Finnish, and is most closely related to Ter Sámi and Akkala
Sámi, which is sometimes considered a dialect of Kildin Sámi.

The first book written (partly) in Kildin Saami was a translation of
the Gospel of Matthew (Махтьвеест
published by the Finnish Literature Society in 1878 and written in the
Cyrillic alphabet. Kildin Sámi was written using a version of the Latin alphabet in
the 1930s, when a number of school books for children were produced. The language
was taught in schools and a literary language developed, though from the late
1930s due to changes in policy, Kildin Sámi was no longer used in literature.
After the Second World War research into Sámi language and culture started
again, and a work on Kildin Saami phonology, morphology and syntax by
the linguist G. Kert was published in 1971. A new Cyrillic-based
orthography was developed from 1979 and made public in 1982 with the
publication of Kildin Saami-Russian dictionaries and primary school textbooks.
It was widely accepted by 1987.

In 2008 a 15 minute weekly news bulletin in Kildin Sámi started
broadcasting on NRK, a Norwegian radio station.

Kildin Sámi alphabet and pronunciation

Kildin Sámi alphabet and pronunciation


  • Some of the vowels have serveral possible transliterations and transcriptions not shown above:
    – Е е = je/ie/’e [je/ʲe, jə/ʲə]
    – Е̄ ē = jee/jē/iee/iē/’ē [je:/ʲe:, jə:/ʲə:]
    – Ё ё = jo/io/’o [jo/ʲo]
    – Ё̄ ё̄ = joo/jō/ioo/iō/’ō [jo/ʲo:]
    – И и = ji/i/ī [i/ji/ʲi]
    – Ӣ ӣ = jii/jī/ii/ī [i:/ji/ʲi]
    – Э э = e [e, ɘ, ə]
    – Э̄ э̄ = ee/ē [e:, ɘ:, ə:]
    – Ӭ ӭ = ‘e [ʲe]
    – Ӭ̄ ӭ̄ = ‘ee/’ē [ʲe:]
    – Ю ю = ju/iu/’u [ju/ʲu]
    – Ю̄ ю̄ = juu/jū/iuu/iū/’ū [ju/ʲu]
    – Я я = ja/ia/’a [ja/ʲa]
    – Я̄ я̄ = jaa/jā/iaa/iā/’ā [ja:/ʲa:]
  • Palatalized consonants are indicated by the consonant + ь/е/ё/и/ю/я, but, palatalization of д/т/н is indicated by ҍ/ӓ/ӭ. When combined with ь/е/ё/и/ю/я, н becomes/ɲ/. The consonant cluster льй = /ʎ/. Examples: ма̄нн /ma:nn/ (moon, month), маннҍ /manʲ:/ (egg), маннь /maɲ:/ (daughter-in-law), па̄лл /pa:l:/ ball, малль /mal:ʲ/ juice, ма̄лльй /ma:ʎ:/ rust/
  • /ɐ/ & /ə/ only appear in unstressed syllables.
  • щ is only used in Russian loanwords.

Sample text in Kildin Sámi

Коаллэш са̄мь о̄ллма, пӯаррса кӣдт о̄ллма Шӯрр Шаннт Е̄ммьне туар ветеран!
Мыйй тӣрвхэпь тӣнэтъ шӯрр вуэjтемь пӣййвенъ, коаллэш ветеран!!!
Мӣнэсть лӣ шӯрр па̄ссьпэмушш тыйе мӣн ажь, вӣлльй, енъ я вуэррьпэнъ, штэ лоаjетъ мыйе мырр я̄лмуж.
9 пеййв майй ма̄нэсьт лӣ шурр роамм пра̄зднэhкь кэнньлегуэйм. Мыйй мушшьтэппь, манътэ вӣгэтъ пыетъ тыйй туаррэмь.
Ва̄ллт я̄ллмуж эвтэсьт. Па̄ссьпе я е̄ммьне райя коаммрэллэпь тыйе мӣн пуаррса са̄мь кидт оллма!

Тӣнэт тирваhт Куэллнегк нёарк Са̄мь Соббар.

Russian Translation

Дорогие саамы, старшее поколение, ветераны Великой отечественной войны!
Мы поздравляем ВАС с великим ДНЕМ ПОБЕДЫ!
Мы говорим ВАМ огромное СПАСИБО, Вам, наши отцы, братья, матери, сестры, за то, что Вы подарили нам мирную жизнь!
9 мая – большой счастливый праздник со слезами на глазах. Мы помним какие силы отдали Вы за свободную жизнь.
СПАСИБО и до самой земли Вам низкий поклон, дорогие ветераны!!!

Вас поздравляет Саамский парламент Кольского полуострова.


Numbers in Kildin Sámi

Some of the information on this page was supplied by 이윤호


Information about Kildin Sámiámiámi_orthography

саамско-русский словарь и грамматику
(Sámi-Russian dictionary and grammar):

Kildin Saami vocabulary

Kola Saami Documentation Project (KSDP)

Free Cyrillic fonts for Kildin Sámi

Sámi Radio

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:5 mins read