
Avorentas HGV   
Avorentas HGV

Avorentas HGV was designed by Attila Répai with the aim of creating an
alphabet that is easy to memorise due to its small number of base signs (17).
The letters can represent all the 46 sounds of Hungarian and his constructed
language Avorenta without any digraphs or trigraphs. The shape of the letters
was inspired by the blackletter fonts of medieval codices. It is used to write
Avorenta and Hungarian, but it is also suitable for other languages that use
the same sounds such as Latin, Spanish, German, Turkish, Finnish, Croatian,
Russian etc. HGV stands for Háfrigvotán, the name of the script
in Avorenta.

HGV has two types: Aromittáta HGV (calligraphic HGV) and Linnáta HGV (handwritten HGV).

Notable features

  • Type of writing system: alphabet
  • Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines
  • There are no distinct capital letters. Proper names are marked with the
    misgaren which is placed before every word of the name.
  • Diacritics are based on the Morse Code. Short sounds have a dot (an
    esp) above the letter (normally, unaccented letters represent short sounds,
    but it is obligatory to use a dot on â [a] and ê [e], because
    the sound value of these short vowels differs from the unaccented a [ɒ]
    and e [ɛ]). Long vowels (eg. á) and consonants (eg. nn) are marked
    with a dash (śurlima).
  • Vowels with a modified sound value (ö, ü, ä, ı)
    have an entrekík (a vertical line) at the bottom of the letter.
  • Consonants are in pairs or groups of 3. In the table below, in the 1st, 2nd
    and 3rd line unvoiced consonants are the base forms and voiced ones have an
    entrekík or entreśülp (a horizontal line). In the 4th line,
    consonants of similar sound value are in pairs.
  • Foreign texts or words (not Avorenta or Hungarian) have to be transliterated
    into HGV phonetically.

Aromittáta HGV alphabet

Aromittáta HGV alphabet


  • The characters in blue aren’t used in Avorenta, they can be found only in Hungarian texts.
  • When there are two Latin letters under a HGV letter, the first one is the romanised Avorenta
    letter and the second one is the Hungarian digraph or trigraph for the same sound.
  • q = [ʦ] before e, ê, é, i and í but [k] elsewhere.
  • ħ / ch = [x] after a, â, á, o, ó, u and ú but [ç] elsewhere.


The first letter of the number’s Avorenta name are used as numerals. They are distinguished
from letters with the śurentrelima, one line under and one above the letter.

Aromittáta HGV numerals

Sample text in Avorenta

Sample text in Avorenta


Forven mínâl ö-rión migat főr et anigêt
uruddagánum e juvassum ájd. I míne, rázum e
śamorrollánum ájdix, ellanen bidál fódio
lájch epízenest.

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:4 mins read