Graph script

Graph Script

Graph Script

Graph Script was created by Nicholas Harvey, a visitor to He created it because he wanted his own script
to express the creative person that he is. To him, creating
scripts is an art form. He strives to be different from everyone
else, so he made a script that is read from bottom to top and
from right to left, and written in the form of a grid. It is
unique in that it can be written on graphing paper.

Notable features

  • Type of writing system: alphabet
  • Direction of writing: right to left in vertical columns
    running from bottom to top
  • Used to write: English and just about any other language.
  • Best written with graphing paper.
  • Each square has a value of approximately one syllable, and
    each phoneme takes up half of a square.
  • In multi-syllable words with two consecutive consonants, the
    first ending the last syllable and the second beginning the next,
    the letter beginning the next syllable is placed in a new square,
    not in the same square as the last letter, if there is still half
    a square remaining.
  • Words are always separated by a square with a small dot; two
    such squares indicate a new sentence.
  • Each word must be entirely in one column. A word cannot carry
    over from one column to the next; if a word will not fit in the
    squares remaining in the current column, it must be placed in the
    following column (the one to the left). Because all columns are
    the same height there will be many squares left completely blank
    near the top of the grid.
  • It does not matter what height or width you use for a grid,
    except that it must be tall enough to hold the longest word you’re
    going to use.

Graph Script

Graph Script


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:3 mins read