

The Etháre were created for use in a fantasy story that
Jeff Shanley has recently finished writing, and it is used to write
the conlang called Kânik that he has also created.

Notable Features

  • Type of writing system: fully vocalised abjad
  • Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines.
  • Grade I (i.e. unstressed or “pure”) vowels are written beneath the consonant they follow;
    Grade II (slightly stressed or “accented”) vowels appear above the consonant they follow; finally,
    Grade III (“circumflexed”) vowels appear both above and below the consonant they follow.

Ethâre of Agânos

Etháre alphabet

Sample text – Valaxor Fragment

Sample text in Etháre


Arac Hâr-Valaxor Enkâro u enkêtho avar Ánovéno pa u akosi Etheôno.


King Valaxor II was the twentieth King of Ánovén after the death of Etheôn.

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read