
Ayeri Ornament Script   
Ayeri Ornament Script

The Ornament Script was invented in April 2004 by Carsten Becker,
originally intended to be used as a script for artistic purposes
in his invented language, Ayeri, but later discarded for that purpose.
In that language, the script is called Tahano Veno (beautiful script).

Notable features

  • The shapes of the letters were inspired by vines.
  • The script is essentially ornamental and can be written in
    horizontally from left to right or in spirals.
  • In theory the script could be adapted to write English

Ayeri Ornament Script


  • The vowels with a grave accent (à, è, etc) are
    known as ‘variable vowels’ and are part of Ayeri’s verb morphology.
  • The consonants n, m, j and v and the vowels o, ó and ò
    can be mirrored if necessary.


Ayeri Ornament Script punctuation

Sample text in the Ayeri Ornament Script

Sample text in the Ayeri Ornament Script


Temihin Nay Perin / North-wind and Sun

Another script invented by Carsten Becker

Tahano Hikamu


Carsten Becker’s page about the Ayeri language

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read