
Ryszalean     Ryszalean

The Ryszalean alphabet was created by Aryssa and Zalea Ebbeler
in 2011, with the help of their dad, Sheldon. The names of the two
girls combine to form the name of the code. The alphabet itself is
a spelling code or cipher, not a phonetic alphabet, in that each
symbol stands for a letter of the Roman alphabet. For example, the
arrow symbol stands for the letter A. Ryszalean Code is also acrophonic,
like the Phonecian Alphabet, meaning that the letter names begin
with that letter. Not coincidentally, the letter names also describe
a simple picture depicted by the symbol.

Notable features

  • Type of writing system: spelling code / cipher
  • Writing direction: left to right in horizontal lines
  • Used to write: English

Aryssa and Zalea were given 3 rules when designing the script:

  1. Only the following 4 shapes could be used to create the symbols
    of the script: o, ^, |, and c. However, these shapes could be rotated
    or resized relative to one another. (This purpose of this guideline
    was to allow the symbols to look similar when viewed as a group while
    keeping them distinct from one another individually.)
  2. Each symbol of the script must be made by combining exactly 2 of
    the possible shapes. (This rule was put in place to prevent complex
    combinations of the shapes.)
  3. Each symbol must represent an object that begins with the relevant
    letter. (This requirement allows the resultant symbols to be more easily

The sole purpose of the creation of the script was to pass time
during a long car ride. However, Aryssa now uses the code to transcribe
secret messages to her father.

Ryszalean script


Sample text

Sample text in Ryszalean


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:3 mins read