

qosta is a writing system created by Adam Heurlin (aka Arimah
Šaretésia Néotsánia) in early 2006
for his constructed language of the same name. The language is part
of Adam’s fictional world, where it is spoken by a race of reptilian

Notable features

  • Written in horizontal lines from left to right.
  • qosta is an abugida, where every consonant has the inherent vowel sound [a].
    Consonants are modified by diacritics to change this vowel sound.
  • There is also a vowel holder, used for words that begin in a vowel (or diphthong).
  • The Latin transcription uses only lowercase letters.

qosta alphabet

qosta alphabet

Sample text in qosta

Sample text in qosta


aumei esû la-qeltu gitunûso ake heki fotû qostu la-lehutampi peltago te esû naku âmito.


The day a single language covers our world, I will be without happiness.

Download a qosta font (TrueType format, 43K)

Download a chart of the qosta alphabet (Excel format, 6K)


Further information about the qosta language

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read