
Dialectal Paleotype

Dialectal Paleotype and was developed by Alexander J. Ellis (1814-1890),
a phonetician, philologist and music theorist. Ellis used his invention to
represent the sounds of the dialects of English and undertook a major survey
of (mainly) rural dialects in Britain in the 1880s.

Ellis created a number of other phonetic transcription systems to represent
the sounds of English and considered some of them as suitable replacements
for standard English spelling.

Notable features

  • Dialectal paleotype is based on the Roman alphabet, and the name means “old alphabet”.
  • The total number of symbols in this system is over 250, some of which are shown below

A selection of Dialectal Paleotype symbols

IPA pulmonic consonants

Sample text in Dialectal Paleotype (Yorkshire dialect)

Sample text in Dialectal Paleotype (Yorkshire dialect)

Standard English version

He was whining away, says she, for all the world like a sick child,
or a little lass in a tizzy.


Information about Alexander J. Ellis and Dialectal Paleotype

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura