

The Olorexh alphabet was invented by Thomas Maska to write
his invented language, Olorexh. The language is a splicing of
two other languages invented by Thomas, O’horex and Alar.
O’horex was much too harsh and Alar was much too soft so he
combined them by using most of the grammatical structure of
Alar and using O’horex vocabulary and pronouns.

Internal History

Olorexh is spoken by a druidic people who live in the four
regions of Adrael’s kingdom. Fya, Lera, Dhenos and Mnea. It was
once the common language of all the peoples and regions, sent to
them by God. However corruption in Church and Scyros led to the
use of a new common tongue over the centuries, rendering the Holy
Books illegible by most people.

Notable features

  • Olorexh has no natural spacing, words are separated by circular symbols.
  • Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines.
  • It has twenty two consonants, thirteen vowels and diphthongs
    and three space holders.
  • It has a Tehtar style vowel system, with the vowels resting
    atop the following consonant.
  • Vowels, because of their importance, have specific names but
    consonants do not. To refer to a consonant, one simply starts the
    name with the consonant sound and adds “ae” to it.

Olorexh Alphabet

Olorexh vowels

Olorexh consonants

Sample texts in Olorexh

Sample texts in Olorexh

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  • Categoria dell'articolo:Lingue
  • Tempo di lettura:2 minuti di lettura