
Mansi (Маньси/Man’si)

Mansi is a member of the Og-Ugric branch of the Finno-Ugric language
family and is spoken in Russia in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, along
the Ob River and its tributaries, and in parts of Sverdlovsk Oblast. There
are about 3,184 speakers. There are four main mutually unintelligible
‘dialects’: East, South, West and North Mansi, some of which are extinct.
The language used to be known as Vogul.

Mansi first appeared in writing in a translation by G. Popov of The
Gospel According to Matthew
, which was published by the British Bible
Society in London in 1868. A Mansi primer was published by Bishop Nikonor
in 1903. Then in 1931, the Research Association of the Institute of the Nordic
Peoples in Leningrad created a standard orthography for Mansi based on the
Sosva dialect and using the Latin alphabet. In 1937 the Latin alphabet was
replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet.

Mansi alphabet and pronunciation (Маньси алфавит)

Mansi alphabet and pronunciation

Information about Mansi pronunciation compiled by Wolfram Siegel.

Sample texts in Mansi

Пася олэн, няврамыт. Унтэн. (Здравствуйте, ребята. Садитесь). Ёл унтэн ос хунтлэн, маныр ам нан лавегум. (Сядьте и послушайте что я вам сейчас скажу). Тыхотал ман палт муйхотпа ёхтыс. Нан сака ёмас рупитэн, мен нётэлын. (Сегодня к нам пришли гости. Вы должны хорошо работать и помогать мне) Тыхотал манах числа? Хумус лавев. (Какое сегодня число? Как скажем.) Ёмас. Тетрадит палыг пусэлын, числа хансэн. (Хорошо. Тетради откройте и запишите)



Information about the Mansi language and people

Online Mansi dictionary

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read