
Ewellic alphabet   
Ewellic alphabet


The Ewellic alphabet was invented in 1980 by Doug Ewell. It was originally intended
as a means of secret writing. The shape of Ewellic letters was inspired by
the Runic and Cirth scripts,
but shows greater (though still imperfect) regularity of form. The name
“Ewellic” was first applied to the script in 1998.

As a phonemic alphabet intended for a limited set of languages, Ewellic
represents the general sound of words as perceived by the speaker,
representing a middle ground between the irregularity of standard spelling
and the phonetic precision achievable with IPA.

No imaginary languages, cultures, or worlds are associated with the Ewellic

Notable features

  • Written from left to right in horizontal lines, with spaces between words.
  • Words of more than one syllable require an acute accent
    (ˊ) over the vowel of the stressed
    syllable. Accents may be used sparingly or omitted when writing French and
    other languages where stress is not significant.
  • The “schwa” letter is intended for very limited use,
    unlike the frequent use of the schwa (ǝ)
    in dictionaries. As a special case, unstressed “a,”
    “an,” and “the” in English are written with the
  • Because Ewellic is a phonemic alphabet, and because pronunciation varies
    (especially in English), spelling is less rigid than in Latin-script
  • A full set of digits is provided, including hexadecimal digits, which
    were added in 2002. Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by preceding a string
    of digits with a grave accent (ˋ).
    European digits may also be used.
  • Ewellic is registered in the
    ConScript Unicode Registry
    and supported in the
    Code2000 and
    Code2001 fonts by James

Used to write

English, Esperanto,
French, German,
Italian, Spanish,
and any other language whose phonemic repertoire is covered. New letters
were added in 2007 to support languages other than English.


All consonants have a single vertical stroke and no horizontal (perpendicular) stroke.

Ewellic consonants


All vowels have two vertical strokes.

Ewellic vowels


The sounds OY and ER (as in oyster) may be represented by special
ligated forms, as shown below. Other ligatures may be formed between letters
that share a natural connection point. The sample texts on this page do not
use ligatures due to font and rendering-engine limitations.

Ewellic ligatures


Digits have a single vertical stroke. Digits 0 through 9 have one
horizontal (perpendicular) stroke, while digits 10 through 15 (for
hexadecimal use only) have two horizontal strokes.

Ewellic digits

Sample text (English)

Sample text in the Ewellic alphabet (English)


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1)

Sample text (German)

Sample text in the Ewellic alphabet (German)


Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie
sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der
Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
(Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte, Artikel 1)


General description of Ewellic, with links to more sample texts:

Complete list of letters:

Questions and answers:

ConScript Unicode Registry proposal:

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:5 mins read