
Betenic alphabet

Betenic (Betená^iy)

The Betenic alphabet was invented by TJ to write his conlang
of the same name. Betenic is a language that exists in the invented world
of Daynur. It is classified as Middle Ayvaric, from the Shakinaic branch.

Notable features

  • Type of writing system: abjad with diacritics for vowels
  • Direction of writing: starts from the lower left corner of the page
    and goes up, then at the end of the line, the page must be rotated for
    90° anitclockwise and writing continues. The writing finishes at
    the centre of each page. The reason for this direction for the writing
    is that Betenic people used to write it on the edges of their temple
    entrances starting from the lower left corner of the entrance and going
    over and down to the lower right corner.
  • Used to write: Betenic

Betenic alphabet

Betenic alphabet

Consonants are marked with a red circle are only connected on one side

Vowels appear on the right side of the writing column. The pronunciations
in red are used when these vowels come beside the last consonant in a word.


Betenic numerals

Numerals are written between special “brackets” and from top to bottom as
usual starting from the number with the highest value (as in English).

Sample text

Sample text in the Betenic alphabet

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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:2 mins read