
Awngi (አውጚ)

Awngi is spoken by about 400,000 people in northwestern Ethiopia.
It is a Central Cushitic language and the majority of speakers can
be found in the Agew Awi Zone of the Amhara Region, and there are also
Awngi speakers in parts of the Metekel Zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz Region.

Awngi is written with a version of the Ethiopic alphabet, though
there is some variation in the way it is written.

In primary schools in the Awi Zone Awngi is used as the medium of

Awngi alphabet and pronunciation

Awngi alphabet and pronunciation

Information about the Awngi alphabet and pronunciation compiled by Wolfram Siegel


Information about the Awngi language and alphabet

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:1 mins read