
Atemayar Qelisayér   
Atemayar alphabet (Atemayar Qelisayér)

The Atemayar alphabet was created by Simon Halfdan Hvilshøj
Andersen during a boring Latin classes at school.
He wanted a language that sounded Arabic, thus the large amount of
words with Q and guttural sounds.

The alphabet is used to write the Qelisan language, Felayir
, which was invented by Simon for use in his
sci-fi novels. Although the plotlines are located on several
planets among several alien civilizations and cultures, most of the
action takes place on Jeernervaniaa, a planet inhabited by humans.

Internal history

The Jeernervaniaans are humans abducted from earth twenty thousand
years ago. On their planet, on the other side of the Galaxy, they
created civilizations like on Earth. Today Jeernervaniaa (pronounced
Djenærvanja) is mostly like Earth, but with a much more advanced

The Atemayar is not the only alphabet used by the Jeernervaniaans,
as the mostly widely used writing system is the Jeernervaniaan
Standard Extended Alphabet (JESA)

The Atemayar alphabet (Atemayar Qelisayér)

Atemayar alphabet


  • Fe Odiyar is pronounced [w] when the letter begins a word. Fe Seleyar
    is pronounced [ð] by the Salazayarians. Seleyar is pronounced [ʃ] when
    the letter begins or ends a word.
  • The Atemayar has been written in boustrophedon in ancient text and in
    religious texts.

The Qelisan Punctuation (Yajemayar)

The Qelisan Punctuation (Yajemayar)

The Qelisan Numerals (Aminiyér)

Sample text in the Atemayar

Sample text in the Atemayar


Dal yotiyir savula aya bolina por litanuyér aya por retinuyér
bentudaje ba. Daje cimin retinayor aya tanakayir; aya daje zal te il bul
dayeli por samerayér dina.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They
are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


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Details of the Qelisan languages

  • Post category:Languages
  • Reading time:3 mins read